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Shiny App Contact: Patrice Zeis

In situ maturation and tissue adaptation of type 2 innate lymphoid cell progenitors

Patrice Zeis, Mi Lian, Xiying Fan, Josip S. Herman, Daniela C. Hernandez, Rebecca Gentek, Shlomo Elias, Cornelia Symowski, Konrad Knöpper, Nina Peltokangas, Christin Friedrich, Remi Doucet-Ladeveze, Agnieszka M. Kabat, Richard M. Locksley, David Voehringer, Marc Bajenoff, Alexander Y. Rudensky, Chiara Romagnani, Dominic Grün, Georg Gasteiger

To investigate how ILCs are locally maintained, Zeis et al. generated a single cell atlas of lung ILCs and tracked Il18r1+ progenitor and effector ILC2s. Their work identifies tissue-resident and circulating ILCPs, and highlights in situ differentiation and tissue adaptation as a mechanism of ILC renewal and phenotypic diversification.

Shiny App Contact: Patrice Zeis

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Resting Lung Dataset

Resting Lung Cluster

log2 norm. expression

norm. expression

FractionDotPlot for Clusters

zscore of mean expression
log2 mean expression

3 Genes Scatterplot

Lineage Tree

Trajectory Analysis

trajectory 5>11>9>8>4>10
trajectory 5>11>9>8>4>12

Differential Expression Cluster versus all other = mean expression within cluster, = mean expression in all other cluster, log2FC = log2 Foldchange selected clusters versus all other

pval = p-value, padj = adjusted p-value

Differential Expression Cluster1 against Cluster2

Gene expression signature of resting lung ILCs.

Heatmap showing the log2 normalized expression of the top 10 differentially expressed genes (P<0.05, Methods) in increasing order of p-values across clusters (y-axis) and cells (x-axis). Duplicated genes and ensemble of Gm-, RP-, Rik-, Rpl- and Rps genes were removed if present. Differentially expressed genes were obtained by comparing gene expression of cells of the respective cluster to all other clusters. Color bars indicate RaceID3 cluster and sample-of-origin for each cell.

Shiny App Contact: Patrice Zeis

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Neonatal Lung Dataset

Neonatal Cluster

zscore of mean expression
log2 mean expression

FractionDotPlot for Clusters

zscore of mean expression
log2 mean expression

3 Genes Scatterplot

Differential Expression Cluster versus all other = mean expression within cluster, = mean expression in all other cluster, log2FC = log2 Foldchange selected clusters versus all other

pval = p-value, padj = adjusted p-value

Differential Expression Cluster1 against Cluster2

Gene expression signature of neonatal lung ILCs.

Heatmap showing the log2 normalized expression of the top 10 differentially expressed genes (P<0.05, Methods) in increasing order of p-values across clusters (y-axis) and cells (x-axis) for neonatal lung. Duplicated genes, Mid1, Malat1, Xist, Kcnq1ot1 and the ensemble of all Gm-, RP, Hsp, A4300 genes were removed. Differentially expressed genes were obtained by comparing gene expression of cells of the respective cluster to all other clusters. Color bars indicate RaceID3 cluster and sample-of-origin for each cell.

Shiny App Contact: Patrice Zeis

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BM Dataset

Resting BM Cluster

zscore of mean expression
log2 mean expression

FractionDotPlot for Clusters

zscore of mean expression
log2 mean expression

3 Genes Scatterplot

Differential Expression Cluster versus all other = mean expression within cluster, = mean expression in all other cluster, log2FC = log2 Foldchange selected clusters versus all other

pval = p-value, padj = adjusted p-value

Differential Expression Cluster1 against Cluster2

Gene expression signature of Il18r1+Icos+ BM ILCs.

Heatmap showing the log2 normalized expression of the top 10 differentially expressed genes (P<0.05, Methods) in increasing order of p-values across clusters (y-axis) and cells (x-axis) for Il18r1+Icos+ Bm ILCs. Duplicated genes, Mid1, Malat1, Xist, Kcnq1ot1 and the ensemble of all Gm-, RP, Hsp, A4300 genes were removed. Differentially expressed genes were obtained by comparing gene expression of cells of the respective cluster to all other clusters. Color bars indicate RaceID3 cluster and sample-of-origin for each cell.

Shiny App Contact: Patrice Zeis

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Il18r1+Icos+ Cultured Subsets and Il18r1+Icos+ST2-Il17rb- Input cells

Culture/Input Cluster

Culture/Input Il18r1+Icos+ Sample information

zscore of mean expression
log2 mean expression

FractionDotPlot for Clusters

zscore of mean expression
log2 mean expression

FractionDotPlot for Samples

Il18r1+Icos+ ILC subsets

OP9_Pan = a.OP9.Pan, OP9_ST2- = b.OP9.ST2.n, OP9_ST2-Il17rb -= c.OP9.ST2.n.Il17rb.n, Input_ST2-Il17rb- = d.Input.ST2.n.Il17rb.n
zscore of mean expression
log2 mean expression

3 Genes Scatterplot

Differential Expression Cluster versus all other = mean expression within cluster, = mean expression in all other cluster, log2FC = log2 Foldchange selected clusters versus all other

pval = p-value, padj = adjusted p-value

Differential Expression Cluster1 against Cluster2

Shiny App Contact: Patrice Zeis

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Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection time-course

Time-course Cluster

Time-course Cluster Composition(normalised)

log2 norm. expression

norm. expression

FractionDotPlot for Clusters

zscore of mean expression
log2 mean expression

FractionDotPlot for Samples

zscore of mean expression
log2 mean expression

3 Genes Scatterplot

Lineage Tree

Trajectory Analysis

trajectory 12>5>2>8>6>16
trajectory 12>5>2>8>4>23

Differential Expression Cluster versus all other = mean expression within cluster, = mean expression in all other cluster, log2FC = log2 Foldchange selected clusters versus all other

pval = p-value, padj = adjusted p-value

Differential Expression Cluster1 against Cluster2

Gene expression signature of combined Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection time-course and normal lung ILC clusters.

Heatmap showing the log2 normalized expression of the top 10 differentially expressed genes (Benjamini Hochberg corrected P<0.05, Methods) in increasing order of p-values across clusters (y-axis) and cells (x-axis) for different sets of clusters with highest relative contribution of the respective sample (after normalization for sample size). Duplicated genes, Mid1, Malat1, Xist, Kcnq1ot1 and the ensemble of all Gm-, RP, Hsp, A4300 genes were removed. Differentially expressed genes were obtained by comparing gene expression of cells of the respective cluster to all other clusters. Color bars indicate RaceID3 cluster and sample-of-origin for each cell.

Shiny App Contact: Patrice Zeis

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Parabiosis d15 Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection

Parabiosis Cluster

log2 norm. expression

norm. expression

Parabiosis Cluster Composition(normalised)

FractionDotPlot for Clusters

zscore of mean expression
log2 mean expression

Differential Expression Cluster versus all other = mean expression within cluster, = mean expression in all other cluster, log2FC = log2 Foldchange selected clusters versus all other

pval = p-value, padj = adjusted p-value

Differential Expression Cluster1 against Cluster2

Shiny App Contact: Patrice Zeis

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Shield Chimera d15 Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection

Shield Chimera Cluster

log2 norm. expression

norm. expression

Shield Chimera Cluster Composition(normalised)

FractionDotPlot for Clusters

zscore of mean expression
log2 mean expression

Differential Expression Cluster versus all other = mean expression within cluster, = mean expression in all other cluster, log2FC = log2 Foldchange selected clusters versus all other

pval = p-value, padj = adjusted p-value

Differential Expression Cluster1 against Cluster2